

Welcome to The Lowrider Grind home page where people young and old are constantly building and crafting amazing works of art, from skateboards, bicycles, motorcycles, trucks and all kinds of vintage and new age cars.

Some of these projects are completed in a few months and some can take many years to complete.

What I find most profound is the person or persons involved in these unique and at times complex projects that enable the imagination to create one of a kind 2 wheel and 4 wheel machines that stunning and magnificent.

The dynamics to begin these projects are also another area of interest whether it is father and son, husband and wife, car club brothers and now women working with women building and starting all women car clubs is on the rise.

I believe this automotive culture called the Lowrider Movement actually strengthens the family unit and reaches far into the community to create a friendship atmosphere all revolving around the automobile lifestyle.

I think the building of these cars have a lot to do with how this community treats each other because not all builds have happy journeys. Some start out exciting and when completed we take them to car shows where society looks on with smiling faces and you get to interact with your story on what a person went through to get it done others tell of love ones who did not get to finish the project and you pushed on as a memorial to our fallen rider.

It has been said there are a million people in this city and there are a million stories. The lowrider culture is richly blessed with so many incredible stories of how starting your lowrider project and persevering to complete it has effected not only your car projects but influence your marriage, family, job and this roller coaster thing called life.

And this is why The Lowrider Grind has come into existence, to try and capture these heart warming stories that will live on in the hearts and minds of our next generation.

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